Artwork Dimensions: 12 x 36 inches
Medium: mixed media on wood panel
Year Created: 2017
Additional Description: In this work the after image of a spirit (here represented by the second raven) is both in this world and in the next. Ravens (and corvids in general) often represent death or the afterlife or are messengers. Around the ravens are roses, representing earthly love, and there is one white lily, which is a common flower at funerals, representing the restored purity of the soul after death. The moth also represents the spirit world and the sun and the moon represent life cycles, rebirth and regeneration (as the sun rises in the morning after its death to the moon every evening). Taken in total, this new artwork is meant to show how a loved one, who is passed, still has their image in our hearts and lives on in thoughts and memory and in their imprint upon the world.
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